General information

Masía Fontdellops, located in Montseny Natural Park, 6 km. away from Arbúcies and only one hour away from Barcelona, is a magnificent rural house from the 16th century. An idela space to disconnect and enjoy the quietness and nature in good company.

With capacity for seventeen people, the house has several spaces: full equipped kitchen, exterior BBQ, living room with fireplace, outdoor dining room, a well, and comfortable bedrooms, inviting to enjoy the house during all year.

The house is decorated with lots of charm, located inside an unique environment with ecologic crops inside it’s 70.000 m2 land. It is also very well located for those who enjoy walking. Fontdellops, where you can listen the silence…

Suite Els Avets

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Al mes de setembre vam passar un cap de setmana a Fontdellops. Erem una bona colla,20 persones entre adults i nens. Ens ho vam passat molt bé. Ens vam banyar a la piscina natural i vam passejar pels boscos que envolten la casa. Un paisatge magnífic.
Com ens va ploure una mica vam haver de quedar-nos a la casa durant llargues estones però no va ser un problema perquè la casa disposa de varies sales per fer jocs de taula, xerrar i passar l’estona.
El menjar boníssim, fins el punt que el meus fills em demanen que faci alguns dels plats que ens van preparar però no és el mateix.
En resum, neta, acollidora, amplia i en un entorn preciós. Fontdellops és una molt bona opció per passar uns dies a la natura. Nosaltres repetirem.

Montserrat Vega Monteagudo

Forests, fields and hills. Eagles and bears.
Night skies and day skies.
Clean air, strong and powerful when it blows among the tree-tops.
Voluptuous and beautiful when you fly low among the heat.
The rain, after the water hits the ground and steam begins to rise, it creates a heaven below you.
A simple paradise where living is possible.
A place in which one can truly be who they are.
Where there are no excuses.
Where there is not another sound other than what we make ourselves.
Where there is nothing to feel guilty about.
Where you can relax from craziness of the world, find yourself and cure yourself.
Even if it is only for an instant…you don’t need anything else.
Nature, dependable and faithful,
It helps you remember who you are and who you are not…



Masia Fontdellops

Telf: 635773087

WhatsApp: 653790478
